Wave Goodbye and Say Hello

I had wanted to finish this blog earlier but unfortunately life got in the way and I never took the time to sit down and write this last entry. Just like the absolute beginning, my feelings are mixed up. It is extremely strange to realize that 3 weeks ago I was still in Japan having a very nice time, but on the other hand back at home it feels like I never went away. The reintegration process goes smoothly, my time is filled with studying, going to parties and hanging with friends, just like life should be.
Being back also means that there is no real need to keep this blog any longer up to date. Having a blog was a nice way to reflect upon all the experiences I had and what they did to me and what they mean to me. Expressing your experiences in words is extremely difficult, and in many cases I wanted to express something personal but also relate it to my general opinions about Japan, which might needlessly have complicated my writings.
Those who have read the blog, I salute you! All those people both in the Netherlands as Japan who have kept an interest in my wellbeing, thank you for being there for me.
And who knows, perhaps to another time.
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