More than words...
There’s a proverb that states that one picture can say more than thousand words. Since I reached puberty I held the view that one picture could destroy what more than thousands words had carefully build up. I had and still have a preference for books without any illustrations and usually could appreciate movies adapted from books but always liked the book better.
Thus I am perfectly happy with a blog which only consist of my written accounts but there have been remarks from some people that they would like some more visually attractive things to look at.
I like pictures but for me they can’t compete against those little dots of black inkt on paper.
Words possess so much power! They can take you away to worlds you never have been to, can give you new insights about life, can cease wonder and can make you sad or happy.
But words also can pose problems for you. Not just a succession of words, such as a very difficult book, but even just one word can. How can you describe and explain the meaning of a word to somebody else? This is not only the problem of a language student trying to build up a vocabulary but also of academics who use certain words in their books to describe a situation. As an academic you always have to give an account in which way you are using a word and what you are implying with it, because words can carry certain connotations.
One of the most difficult words in the academic discourse is the word culture. I will refrain from exploring all the different meanings that word can have but I want to share with you what my classmates thought would fall under Japanese culture. Because one teacher asked us to name a thing that we associated with Japanese culture. We started off with sadou (the way of the tea), calligraphy, mono no aware, bushidou (the way of the warrior), Zen but soon we moved on to karaoke, manga, anime and convenience stores and not to forget the pachinko halls. I guess that the image you have of Japan partly depends on the things you are interested in and thus what you would like to see in the culture. What strikes me in Japanese culture, is the diversity that you can come across, ranging from very stylised forms from the past to the ultra modern flashy places where people can replace the real world for a virtual one.

Een plaatje zegt meer dan 1000 woorden?
vermoedelijk "gaijin"
low on cash
what to eat?
that sounds like a deal
betalen voor dat je gaat zitten
goedkope plastic bordjes
nat doekje in wit plasticje
nu wil ik ook waar voor mijn geld
vette gefrituurde aardappelschijfjes met iets...
gratis water
salad bar
met drilpudding
en blik fruit
pizza deeg
plakjes banaan
in de oven
chocolade sauce er over
oishii soooooo
dat laatste had ik niet moeten eten
voel me ziek
ga nooit meer naar die shakey's
volgende keer maar wat anders
Nee, een plaatje zegt niet meer dan duizend woorden.
Ja je zit erg warm....
We zouden gaan eten bij de yakiniku, yakiniku zat vol, volgende stop: enorm warenhuis met een lege yakiniku, zien menu, weten waarom de zaak leeg is.
Op zoek naar volgende yakiniku, uur wachten, hebben honger. Gesprek over bananenpizza..
Durven we het aan? Vooruit dan maar...
Klinkt eigenlijk helemaal niet zo vies! een soort bananen-choco-taart! Hmm! ik ga ook maar naar japan denk ik. Kan ik vast wel terecht met mijn voedselcreaties. Een ding is zeker: agnoek komt dan niet meer bij mij eten ;)
Nee, klinkt niet vies...
Het is ook niet de banaan noch de choco die je de das om doet, maar de hoeveelheid vet die er in die pizza's zit...
En jouw gezonde voedselcreaties heb ik me tot nu toe nog met veel genoegen verorberd, daar heb ik wel vertouwen in!
BTW: mijn moeder is zo vriendelijk geweest om ook 2 links naar foto albums er op te plaatsen! Waarvoor hartelijk dank. Nu kunnen alle visueel ingestelde mensjes zich daarmee op de hoogte houden...
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